 > Insertion mutagenesis
 > The Génoplante project
 > Staff
 > Protocols
 > Publications


Phase 1 (July 1999-June 2002)

Emmanuel Guiderdoni (emmanuel.guiderdoni [at], Cirad, project leader
Alain Ghesquière, Ird
Michel Delseny, Cnrs , coordinator
Christian Poisson and Odile Herran-Courties, administrators
Céline Gay, Inra, rice transformation and management of insertion lines
Martine Bès, Cirad, isolation and sequencing of FST
Murielle Portefaix, Inra, line production
Monique Raynal, Cnrs, pilot FST sequencing
Daniel Ortega, Cnrs, pilot FST sequencing
Christelle Llauro, Cnrs, FST sequencing
Michele Laudie, Cnrs, FST sequencing
Pierre Lagoda, Cirad, Comparative sequencing

Christophe Sallaud, T-DNA insertion mutagenesis
Emmanuelle Bourgeois, Tos17 insertion mutagenesis
Farid Regad, Bioanalysis of rice sequences and comparative sequencing
Pierre Larmande, Database development
Xavier Sabau, Robotics

Fabienne Venturoli, Molecular Biology
Hélène Vignes , Molecular Biology
Sandra Cobo, Molecular Biology
Mary Annick Rio, cell biology
Marie Pierre Crouzet , cell and molecular biology
Thierry Mathieu, Greenhouse
Christophe Hémery, Greenhouse
Christian Chaine, Greenhouse management

Phase 2 (July 2002-June 2004)

Emmanuel Guiderdoni, Cirad, project leader
Christian Poisson, Cirad, administrator
Céline Gay, Inra, rice transformation and management of insertion lines
Pietro Piffanelli, Cirad, FST production and analysis
Martine Bès, Cirad, isolation and sequencing of FST
Murielle Portefaix, Inra, line production
Pierre Larmande, Cnrs, Database development
Alexander Johnson, University of Cambridge, generation and screening of gal4 :gfp enhancer trap lines
Donaldo Meynard, Cirad, Line production
Rémy Michel,Cirad, Grennhouse
Christian Chaine, Greenhouse management
Joseph M’Balla, Cirad, Seed management
Lucette Gracia, Cirad, Seed Management

Gaëtan Droc, Bioanalysis of rice sequences

Ronan Rivallan, Molecular Biology
Nadia Chatti , Molecular Biology
Nadège Lanau,  Molecular Biology
Laurent Rosso, Cell Biology and Greenhouse
Jérôme Veyret , Cell Biology and Greenhouse
Carole Maisonneuve, Cell Biology and Greenhouse
Frédéric Salles, Greenhouse and seed management
Nicolas Cennes, Seed management
Anne-Laure Latrilhe, Greenhouse

Trainees :
Julie Petit
Claire Rouvière
Tom Fleurantin
Laura Kassen
Frederic Audebert
Pauline Mayonnove
Delphine Mieulet  

Collaborators from parallel Génoplante Phase 2 projects involved in insertion line library screening and multiplication:
Christophe Périn, Cirad
Jean-Christophe Breitler, Cirad
Alain Ghesquière, Ird
Mathias Lorieux, Ird
Jean Benoit Morel, Inra
Pascual Perez, Biogemma
Dominique This, Ensam
Isabelle Barnola, Biogemma
Corinne Petit, Biogemma
Martine Devic , Cnrs
Benoit Piégu, Cnrs
Michel Delseny, Cnrs

Phase 3 (July 2004-June 2006)

Emmanuel Guiderdoni, Cirad, project leader
Christian Poisson, Cirad, administrator
Pietro Piffanelli, Cirad, FST production and analysis
Martine Bès, Cirad, isolation and sequencing of FST
Murielle Portefaix, Inra, line production
Pierre Larmande, Cnrs, Database development
Catherine Carrasco Lacombe, Cirad, isolation and sequencing of FST
Donaldo Meynard, Cirad, Line production
Rémy Michel,Cirad, Grennhouse
Christian Chaine, Greenhouse management
Joseph M’Balla, Cirad, Seed management
Lucette Gracia, Cirad, Seed Management

Gaëtan Droc, Bioanalysis of rice sequences

Nadège Lanau,  Molecular Biology
Delphine Mieulet ,  Molecular Biology
Frédéric Salles, Greenhouse and seed management
Rosie Sevilla, Seed management

Trainees :
Carole Maisonneuve
